Meeting the MUMIDIS Team in Lviv

While I was on the artist residency in Lviv, I finally had the chance to meet with the rest of the MUMIDIS, Museum of Mis- and Disinformation team. This project, funded by is an educational game to learn to identify fake news. We got the positive news that we got funded on the 24th of February 2022, the day the war started. Because of that, we could not meet in person and had to work via online tools like Skype and Zoom. However, with the relative ‘protection’ that the artist residency offered, and that it was in western Ukraine which is not that massively targeted as the eastern regions, I felt comfortable going to Ukraine.
The MUMIDIS team in Ukraine are actually the startup uTrigg, a company that offers insights for companies that work in e-commerce. The founders are Viktoriia Herukh and Oleksandr Zamotaiev, and Olga Zamotaieva. On Friday the 10th, they did a workshop about commerce in Lviv for young entrepreneurs. Afterwards and the day after we spent the day together in Lviv.
This was a great experience. Although the war seriously disturbed normal work, having the chance to meet in person was good to exchange new ideas. We have applied for new funding to continue Mumidis and are working on the back end to make the game more resilient.
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