FarmSonics Premiere

On the 6th of September, I showed the full FarmSonics installation for the first time in public. We set up the installation next to the monitoring tower at the urban allotments of Vila Nova de Famalicão, where we did the first workshops in March. After a short introduction by me, prof. Pedro Reis (Universidade Lusíada), and Rita Sousa (INOVA+), people started to mix their soundscapes using the customised controllers. The controllers were Korg NanoKontrol encased in recycled winecases. The knobs and sliders were 3D printed to make up for the increased space between the controllers and the knobs. Because of some hiccups with the 3D printer, we only finished one set so we spray-painted the two others in brown and green, to fit the agricultural theme.
On the screen, you can see the incoming data for every farm. We have three distinct places: the urban allotments, a large farm, and the University. People can control the volume with the sliders, and the stereo position of the sound of each sonified parameter using the dials. The circles get larger with volume, and the stereo position is reflected in 2D as well.

Unfortunately, on this day, my mother passed away. However, I believe that she was playing together with the installation from up in heaven: we got rain, wind, and sun, so we had much variety in incoming data and subsequent variations in the sonification. In a sense, I had my mother with me when I presented this work.
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