FarmSonics third visit

Last week, I went to Portugal for the third time for my S+T+ARTS FarmSonics project. During this visit, professor Pedro Reis and I, together with Dr Nicolau, worked on designing the MIDI controllers for the installation. Rather than making controllers from scratch, I decided to use Korg NanoKontrol controllers and build a case around them. We are using 3D printing and will also use laser cutting to create an enclosure out of wood.
Besides the physical aspect, I further refined the code and ensured that all data are being captured well. Rita Sousa and María Araújo from INOVA+ came to Universidade Lusíada to check on progress and discuss forthcoming events and milestones. We will showcase the first version of FarmSonics at the end of June in Braga.
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I had not uploaded pictures from my visit in March. During that visit, we did a workshop at the allotments in Famalicão on Friday and Saturday. We presented the FarmSonics project and also talked more in general about agriculture, S+T+ARTS, and how our project can help farmers become more sustainable. We were positively surprised with the attendance with around 30 people each day. We garnered lots of interest and in September we will do a public event for them. Rita Sousa and Maria Araújo from INOVA+ organised this event and handled the logistics.
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